There is so many different concepts about how God responds to His children, it gets confusing. Many are confused because they are taking the words of others without an understanding of Gods will; Others are trapped in how they see it without seeking the face of God and probably the most off of all are those who read the word, teach and preach the word, but do not live a lifestyle that agrees with the Word. Many have argued how the grace of God releases them from the law as though grace gives the right not to obey Gods will. All of this and other ungodly thinking prepetuates ungodliness Believers are told not to give place to the Devil, but so many are turning a deaf ear to Gods will. Join me as I share what God has said in His Word and to me, to share with you. The prophet Mary is the messenger of God. Visit us at and email us at
The Word of God | Jesus is real | believe Jesus | prove God | The Lord is faithful
The Word of God | Jesus is real | believe Jesus | prove God | The Lord is faithful