Positive People, Information and News! That is all you will find on Marvelous Mondays with Harry & Phil. Join us each and every Monday night as an alternative to the nightly news and end your day on a positive note! Hard to believe that a month has already gone by since we last had her on the show. Here is another opportunity to spend time with the wunderlicious Carla Ferrer as she enlightens and empowers our listeners with her knowledge and expertise. If this is the first time you are listening when Carla is our guest, you will have one of the best experiences of your life and become an instant Carla fan. If you are one of our dedicated listeners then you know that you will come away with at least one golden nugget that you will be able to use right away to improve your life. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, what questions do you have to get through it all without completely wrecking your healthy eating habits? Learn more about Carla at http://www.carlaferrer.com and see her in action on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/CoachCarlaWeightLoss
Marvelous Mondays | Harry Shade | Phil Gornail | Carla Ferrer | Life
Marvelous Mondays | Harry Shade | Phil Gornail | Carla Ferrer | Life