“WEARY OF THE DATING SCENE” Maybe you have been in several relationships but for some unknown reason you just can't seem to close the deal… Dating often begins with all the correct words, actions and intentions. WE are patient, considerate respectful, supportive, considerate and encouraging of each other's differences, needs and life style. BUT something happens when time, feelings and emotions take precedence. Many are often left or find themselves wondering HOW DID I MISS THIS and after several of the same occurrences, I believe many have a tendency to have one relationship after another all the while having NO faith of ever establishing a mature, meaningful and committed relationship. It is not that you missed IT, but just the opposite. The person purposely MISSED allowing you to see who they really are. “It is very difficult to love the real us, when we're trying to be someone else” If you have become weary of the dating scene, tired of pouring time, energy and money into relationships that start off great and end with heartache and confusion, we suggest that you prepare to tune in to the show as we have single men and women scheduled to discuss the pros and cons of their dating life. Dying To Live! Whats Holding You Back?
Single | Dating | Relationship | Love | Marriage
Single | Dating | Relationship | Love | Marriage