THANK YOU TO OUR TROOPS!!! WITHOUT YOUR SACRIFICE I COULD NOT DO WHAT I DO SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Ok, now on to business. Just because my beloved Redskins dont play today doesnt mean that there is nothing to talk about. I will review the Skins season thru 9 games & give my thoughts on their chances of turning things around. I will also beakdown all the exciting week 10 action from around the NFL as well as preview the week 11 games. Also I will be making a special announcement so be sure to tune in!! As always your calls are welcome at 347-996-5176 or you can tweet me your thoughts to be read on air @RightonQSJ23. Thank you so much for your continued support!!
redskins | RGIII | NFL | Bears | Broncos
redskins | RGIII | NFL | Bears | Broncos