Life is a path that is made up of choices Many believe that as long as they are good people and make every one happy then their okay.Then there are those who seek only to please themselves.Then there is others who choose to please mankind in general even if it mean to degrade themselves and throw away any and all moral standards and value & morality.They believe by erasing the word of God Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach).Out of thier lives as well as thier hearts that they will be free.In which is the fathest thing from the truth in fact there closer to death more than ever.(Spirtual Death)We are at a point in this time of history where God is calling mankind to make a choice on whom hell please God or Man.(Acts 5:29)Many inside the body of Christ is compromising trying to Please the world instead of Please God Jesus Christ(Yeshua HaMashiach) America is on the brink of losing her soul and many are following the world to thier grave.Many believe that the Goverment is the answer while some belive that thier own selfish gratfication is the answer while many others belive that Money,Fame Popularity and Entertainment is the answer.While others belive that Sex Drugs Lust ography Hustling Lying and Cheating thier way through life is the answer.While the Goverment lies and sell people a package of Slavery and Total Self Destruction through the media with thier False Prophet Preaching Hypocrisy & Heresy through the 501(c3)Televison Evangelist & the wicked entertaiment Indistry. That will lead all who belive their lie to Damnation and Eternal Hell Fires For All Eternity.Many has lost or are losing thier Identity. Proverbs 14:12 :There which seemeth right unto a man, but the end there of are the ways that of death.Who Do You Please God Or Man.
Jesus Christ Truth Trust | Morality Morals Standards Values | Please | Man Government Self | Drugs Sex Entertainment Media
Jesus Christ Truth Trust | Morality Morals Standards Values | Please | Man Government Self | Drugs Sex Entertainment Media