WE CALL FORTH THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE GREATEST NUMBER NOW! THIS IS DIVINE RIGHT ACTION--ACTION THAT BRINGS ONLY THE GREATEST GOOD FOR ALL! LET US HOLD THIS IN CONSCIOUSNESS, ALLOWING IT TO TAKE FORM IN THIS NOW MOMENT. AMEN Let us hold in consciousness a vision of a world in which we recognize One God called by many names in many languages, One People expressing the creativity of the Creator in a diversity of ways, and One World shared by all in Peace and Harmony. We are Raising Our Vibration by remembering the magnificence of our being--the awesomeness of Creation.
DIVINE RIGHT ACTION | The Divine Agenda | Greatest Good for the Greatest Number | Hold the Vision of Good for ALL | A CHAMBER OF PRAYER
DIVINE RIGHT ACTION | The Divine Agenda | Greatest Good for the Greatest Number | Hold the Vision of Good for ALL | A CHAMBER OF PRAYER