Part 1 of 2 40 minutes before the router was taken out. ?Content includes: Earthquakes, Solar Activity, Housing, Clif High,The Pyramids, Anatoly Fomenko, Jedi tips, Confrontation Details, Asia, South America, Thailand, Reptiles, How to avoid the BLOW, Aligning with the Universe, Firm course of Action, Self Organizing Collectives, Israel and Iran, Economic collapse, Strategic Thinking...?Redirect Energy...Right Action.Laughing.. Connect with Clif High at Half Past Human Music by The Album Leaf: Almost There Want to explore and reconnect with self take a moment to work with Suzanne one-on-one explore your inner self, actualize your vision, reconnect with the alchemy of food...visit Bare Naked Bliss Meditations-Audio Book BareNakeBliss e-book Facebook Bare Naked Experience Twitter BeSimplyCafePress