For the next several episodes I will be sharing passages out of Gregg Bradens book, "The Isaiah Effect" We need to be praying effectively to be able to BE the "one grain of rice that tips the scale" of events and how they unfold for us. Yesterdays episode went over some of the Revelation prophecies, the 4 words "Will You Change It?" are KEY for us Right now as a planet. 818-739-8819 Email with things you would like offered up in prayer to be put into Gods Healing Spirit, know that we Have seen and offer All requests to Prayer in behalf of the writer. God is the great Hearer and Answerer of prayer, and we say "Amen" in agreement of all prayers asked! Remember, where two or three are gathered together in Gods name and we pray to the Father in the Name of the Son, the Messiah, Mediator between God and men, KNOW that when we Ask in Prayer to the Father in the Name of the Son, it Will be done as we pray together! Matthew 18:19-20. One of the things I promote here is the idea that there is one thing we do here on earth we will continure to do in Heaven and the Spiritual Realms we go to; and that is we Praise and Worship the One True God, Creator of ALL Life Everywhere. One of the most important reasons we live and breathe and exist, is to bring Honor, glory and Praise to the One whose Children we all are. To that end, one of the most important, life-affirming thing we can do each and every day, is to spend time in Worship, Praise, Singing, Giving Thanks, and being Joyful in Gods eyes! As always, we pray To the Father, Yahweh, in, by and through the Name of the Only Begotten Son, Yeshua, the Messiah, the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, Knowing that what we pray is Heard and Answered. Continue with more Praise, Prayer and Worship, at our sister show, Psychic Learning Connection. Have an Awesomely Blessed Creative Day! (ABC Day!) Rev. KC
Music Praise Worship | Prayers Blessings Joy | Spirituality Positive Energy | Bible Verses Enlightenment | Braden IsaiahEffect 5ModesOfPrayer
Music Praise Worship | Prayers Blessings Joy | Spirituality Positive Energy | Bible Verses Enlightenment | Braden IsaiahEffect 5ModesOfPrayer