Today Barbara discusses the signs & symptoms of hormone imbalance and how progesterone can help. Also, do I need estrogen? How long does a woman stay on a progesterone creme? How do I use the progesterone creme? Should I be using hormones? I have wrinkles and dry skin, what would you recommend? Do I need a hormone test? How often do our hormones change right before menopause? If you have a question you would like me to answer on my next show, please email it to me! It can be about hormones and/or weight loss. Then you can listen to the archived show and hear YOUR question answered. I also have lots of information on other illnesses & conditions, so feel free to ask. Also, let me know if you would like to be on my email list for updates and special offers.
hot flashes | night sweats | insomnia | weight gain | anxiety
hot flashes | night sweats | insomnia | weight gain | anxiety