Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the topic of A-Listers will not go quietly into the night. And this hot topic is one that will effect your bottom line. Each month I participate in a Word Carnival with a variety of small business bloggers. We pick a relevant topic and tackle with our unique perspectives and insights. Over the past few months the carnies have noticed that the big tent of blogging has not practiced what they preach. The main acts aren't always delivering as advertised, A-Listers giving advice they clearly don't follow themselves. Tune in to hear the rants, raves, insights and yes solutions that each carnie offers to help your business protect its bottom line when the side show becomes the main act. A complete list of bloggers and the links can be found here. About the Show Hosted by Nicole Fende, The Numbers Whisperer®. Nicole is the author of the book, "How to be a Finance Rock Star", as well as a credentialed actuary, experienced CFO, former Investment Banker and President of Small Business Finance Forum LLC. This weekly show is perfect for small businesses, start-ups, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and independent consultants.
profit | small business | A-Lister | Nicole Fende | The Numbers Whisperer
profit | small business | A-Lister | Nicole Fende | The Numbers Whisperer