EScheat =Reverting law to return to the formal owner SUI- HEREDES – lat.- One's own heirs; proper heirs Non-Descendibility or Non-Descendability = the incapability of being transmitted by inheritance 1. How did the Prophet uplift the Moorish Americans? Ans: By teaching them to be themselves. 2. Can you give a general description of the geographical parameters of the Moorish Empire? 3. Can you make a general statement that describes ones capacity to recognize the general responsibilities of the parties in controversy in relationship to an inheritance or estate? Inheritance to take or receive property, a right, a title, by succession or will, as an heir: Estate= Law The nature and extent of an owners rights with respect to land or other property. 4. Why is your Nationality Card so important? Ans: It is your nationality &identification card for the Moorish Americans & birthrights. 5. Do you know the card in which you carry? Come all ye Asiatics of America and hear the truth about your nationality and birthrights. No you are not negros, colored folks, black people, african americans, ethiopians, coons, shines or jiggaboos. You have a nationality and BirthrightsThe gifts of the understanding are the treasures of Allah and he appointed everyone his portion it what measure seems good unto himself. Share your portion Call: 646-478-5157
Moorish Science Prophet Noble Drew Ali | Taj Tarik Bey Nationality | Islamism Mohammedism | Sks Durriyyah Bey Queen D | Holy Koran of The MSTOA
Moorish Science Prophet Noble Drew Ali | Taj Tarik Bey Nationality | Islamism Mohammedism | Sks Durriyyah Bey Queen D | Holy Koran of The MSTOA