Vespers comes from the Latin which means "evening prayer". Academy of Bible Literacy is extending that meaning to a mid-week short service of reflection, repentence and soaking in the LORD with music, prayer and maybe a short word. In this episode, we will celebrate and give thanks to our heavenly messengers who keep us out of trouble and go to battle for us and do all sorts of things for us, like keep us alive. So we will soak to the angelic music of Freddy Hayler (with daughter Rebekah). Also get ready for an aleluia chorus like no other - literally. So get your journal and find a place on the floor and relax in the arms of Yeshua celebrate (but not worship) Gods messengers.
Evensong | angels | caught on tape | soaking reflection | Jesus Christ is LORD
Evensong | angels | caught on tape | soaking reflection | Jesus Christ is LORD