Our youth and now our military are being told what to read, what to learn, what to think, what to believe, how to act and how to live. That screams out COMMUNISM, it shouts out a TYRANNICAL GOVT. So we just sit on our ass and watch. We dont even attempt to object via our 1st amendment rights. We remain silence, turn the TV to our favorite show and in so doing acquiesce to tyranny. Then some call themselves patriots and every so often will say things like "keep your powder dry" or "bring it on". Others say "it will never happen" and give some bogus reason why. I say BS, if we as patriots cant even get out of our chair and per the Constitution vehemently and tenaciously exercise our 1st Amendment rights and take on this simple battle like this and win, then when the SHTF we will get our ass handed to us on a silver platter. Hear the trains, do you, there coming to take many away to FEMA internment camps.
Military Reading Material | DHS | 1ST AMENDMENT | Freedom of Assembly | The Right to Petition
Military Reading Material | DHS | 1ST AMENDMENT | Freedom of Assembly | The Right to Petition