Were you aware of the fact that there are three main stages that every relationship passes through from first meeting to happily ever after? Thats right, there are three primary stages to building a real and lasting relationship, and most relationships never make it out of the second one. Were you also aware of the fact that the majority of relationship experts put the onus on the female to play particular roles at each stage of the game to guide (aka manipulate) the male into a relationship with her? Well discuss these three main stages of every relationship and discuss the reasons why males and society are so happy to put responsibility for the relationships failure or success on the shoulders of the female. Well also discuss what women should do about that. Call 347-327-9215 to participate in the discussion, or log on to the Date Smarter Not Harder Relationships Talk Show on BlogTalkRadio.Com.
getting to commitment | relationship stages | fear of commitment | how to get a boyfriend | how to get a husband
getting to commitment | relationship stages | fear of commitment | how to get a boyfriend | how to get a husband