ELIJAH...The True Servant of Yah Undoubtedly youve heard of Elijah. His name has rang out across the pulpits of time as the man who commanded it to not rain and for 3 years the Creator of the Universe shut up the heavens! But do we really KNOW this legend? Do we honestly know the purpose of his life, his ministry and the call of God that he was given before time began? Who was Elijah? His name is mentioned in the Holy Writ over 63 times. So great was this servant of Yah that he appeared upon the Mt. of Transfiguration with Yshua and Moses. It is said by the late F.B. Meyer in the classic portrait that he wrote entitled "Elijah" that "Gods servants must learn to take one step at a time...and the servant of the LORD must learn to take one day at a time, for the bread is by the day and the manna by the morning!" In his book he reveals the "secrets" to Elijah [Eliyahus] power. Secrets that few have heard lest alone earned the right to stand in that level of glory! Today, were going to focus on this prophet. The one who was a man of like passion YET was able to call down fire from heaven and consumed the army that came to arrest him. Elijah learned the value of a hidden life and most of all to trust Elohim absolutely. Imagine being driven by jealousy for YaHoVaH, Creator Universe at a time when the people of God were vascilating between religion and idolatry instead of serving the true and living Elohim! He became livid and consumed with jealousy until he lose all sense of life and no longer feared either King Ahab or his ruthless wife Jezebel. All he knew that if idolatry was to be driven out of the hearts of the priest of the world, Israel someone must stand up and defend the righteous name in holiness! This is man who was born Eliyahu but is known as Elijah! Do you have what it takes to fill his shoes?
Elijah | Eliyahu | Jezebel | Ahab | religion
Elijah | Eliyahu | Jezebel | Ahab | religion