Be here or be square! Time to interview Coach Calvanos mom! Have you had dark nights of the soul? Do you sometimes feel depressed? That your life doesnt count? That youve been dealt a bad poker hand in life? Well, youve come to the right place! Im interviewing someone today that is called by many, many people positive and funny. Get ready for a smile and a chuckle. Get ready for your heart to grow five times bigger like the Grinchs! Ladies and Gentlemen, here she is, my mother, Barb Calvano! Possible questions: Tell me about growing up in West Bend, WI, being trained by nuns, and your reunion after 30 years with your niece, my 1 cousin, Marge Gonring. Tell us something funny / interesting about someone who is listening and may listen to the show – Me, Renee, Lorie, Bryan, or your bowling buddies when you ruled the Women's American Bowling Conference. All aboard for encouragement and fun! Barb Calvano is in the cottage!!! Coach Calvano
Calvano | Minnesota | Barb | Life | Senior
Calvano | Minnesota | Barb | Life | Senior