"YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! "HOPE & CHANGE!" If Pres Obama really cares about the future of this nation he will seriously consider allowing ERIC HOLDER to Resign ASAP. Why?? Two Reasons: 1) The Breach of TRUST between the DOJ & CONGRESS has been permanently damaged. 2) The Breach of TRUST between ERIC HOLDER & the Media has also been permanently damaged. From 2007 to 2012, BARACK OBAMA Owned the Liberal Mainstream Media in America. As the First 100% Qualified BLACK American Presidential Candidate & First Legally Elected BLACK President, BARACK OBAMA commanded the attention of every Liberal Media Organization in the U.S. Since Liberal Media Organizations outnumber Conservative News Organizations, the Obama Admin was able to Control & Filter All News being Reported to American Citizens. This includes News related to the Pentagon, Our National Security & Wall Street. However FOX NEWS, (Conservative Media Organization), was the exception. Fast Forward to 2013: Voters & Journalists Are Finally Waking Up! The Obama Admin is suddenly faced with defending and/ or resolving 3 very Serious SCANDALS: Benghazi, IRS, Associated Press & Fox News To add to this SCANDAL equation, Pres Obamas U.S. A.G. ERIC HOLDER was recently accused of Abusing his Authority & Lying to Congress. Voters & Congress are both calling for ERIC HOLDERS Resignation. If ERIC HOLDER did in fact Abuse his Legal Power as U.S. A.G. by Violating the Right to Freedom of Speech should he Resign ASAP? If HOLDER Committed Perjury during a recent Congressional Hearing, should he Resign? If Pres Obama allows HOLDER to Remain will he become a Lame Duck President, thus Destroying his Legacy?
Obama | Eric Holder | Media | Scandals | Democrats
Obama | Eric Holder | Media | Scandals | Democrats