Not unlike most weeks, President Obama was busy all week making news. However he made two speeches this week that may go a long way in defining his legacy for two totally different reasons. His commencement speech at Morehouse College ( in which he challenged black men to stop making excuses and to be the role models they may have never seen.and His speech on terrorism at the National Defense University where he implored the public to actually take power away from him and future presidents to help the war on terrorism to be shifted to what it is. More of a counter-intelligence driven mission that will reduce the footprint of terrors cells around the world continually.Yes...the president is not only in governing mode, but he is defining what he wants his legacy to be both in the international annals, but right in the hood as well. Lets dig into this on this episode of Life Full Circle Radio.
Barack Obama | Obama | Democrats | Liberals | terrorism
Barack Obama | Obama | Democrats | Liberals | terrorism