This topic is very needed in our lives today and forevermore till Jesus comes. Peter, are dear brother said he would be there for Jesus through thick and thin and would fight for him. Then Jesus tells him that he would deny Him 3 times, and that threw Peter way out to left field. Like how can you say that Lord. Or how about our dear brother Samson, a guy full of Gods strength and loosing it to a beautiful woman that caught the eyes of Samson, that one day were gouged out by his enemies. (Not to disrepect women, but the way the enemy uses people to destroy other peolpe when the people of God allow their guard down) God is no respector of persons and is merciful and full of Grace. He wants us to know that in a humble state we need Him and that our lives cannot go any further without Him leading and guiding us towards Him, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We think we know how to live and how to take care of circumstances that come our way, but really we dont. It is written that there is a way thats seems right to man but in the end it leads to death according to Prov 14:12. We as men, woman and men have weaknesses, but God is our strength and we need to go to Him to help us find it in His word that when we are weak then I am strong according to 2cor 12:10. The example that I would like to bring is the story about Samson. We can learn a lot from this because it is a way to see how the enemy still came at man to destroy the work of God, which now its reversed cause Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and defeated Him for evermore. But there is still times where this defeated foe still wins battles but has lost the war. We dont want to be destroyed for a lack of Knowledge according to Hosea 4:6. We are set free, bought with a price , and are the children of God and we need not to let our guard down according to Eph 6:13-18. We are on a mission to do as He had said in Mk 16:15-18.
God the Father | Jesus Christ | The Holy Spirit | Weaknesses | Strength
God the Father | Jesus Christ | The Holy Spirit | Weaknesses | Strength