I have to say my NEW guest to JIL Radio has really impressed me! Besides connecting so great with loveed ones on the other side, Vincent is so ethically connected to spirit in all the right ways. The energy Vincent brings and his spiritual connection in the right way will totally impress you! PLEASE NOTE: This is the ONLY show Vincent is scheduled for at this time, so make sure you call in for reading! This is excellent chance to connect to loved ones on the other side and we will also take calls for normal psychic readings on love, job, life in general readings..at 347-884-8245!....... In all my years of being a musician, composer, performer, and teacher, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be communicating with Loved ones from the other side of natural life. As I realized my gift of seeing, feeling, and hearing, of the unseen, unheard, and unfelt of the spirit world, I fully engaged in the study of the expression of this gift. I initially felt different idioms of the gift as a child yet paid no attention to it; assuming it was a normal function of life for everyone. As life progressed it became clear that perhaps this ability was truly a gift. Just as music is an expression of the innermost self, so is mediumship. To use music as an analogy; many may study music, and then many may not, yet the true expression of music which touches the inner depth of ones being, is a gift, despite ones formal training or lack thereof. We as humans do not all enter the physical world for instance, with the potential to become medical doctors, this potential represents a particular subset or configuration of energy. This law of the universe holds true for all aspects of the expression of life. We as humans must accept all gifts of life despite our conditioning to what is normal or not. ..........http://www.onelightguidesall-vpace.com/biography