Do you know about the man who baptised the Creator of the Universe? Have you ever considered the awesome task of immersing the Savior, the immaculate Lamb YaHoVaH just so that the prophets who declared this event would be fulfilled? What was in the mind of Yah to submit HImself to such a strange moment in time? What prophetic gesture, compliance of scripture, unraveling of truth was YaHoVaH revealing for not only Yohanan [John] to witness but everyone who had journeyed that day from far and wide to be dipped in the murkey waters of the Jordan. Im sure time stood still, the angels held their breathe and the eyes of every human being failed to blink while the man who was deemed the greatest servant born of a woman held the Creator in the palms of his hands. Can the Father submit Himself to mere human beings and not be imtimidated by the fraility of flesh? Today, I am reading to you a few pages written by the late F. B. Meyer one of Englands brighter spiritual lights born April 8, 1847. Once a student of the London University, a popular speaker at various conventions. He became a regular speaker at the Kewick Convention around 1887. I simply love reading this authors writings. They are so fluid, a word-smith indeed who was endowed with the capabilities to write so detailed until you felt as if you stepped back in time and walk the shores of the Judean wilderness or ate locust and honey that John ate while he lived off the bare necessities of the wilderness. It was said that Yohanan [John] stayed in the wilderness until the day of his showing. Some asked why did he only eat wild honey and locust pressuring his soul with such menial meals? They said he afflicted his soul to ensure nothing in his flesh would cause him to abort his earthly 6 month ministry! Join me as we read from this powerful treatise of the life and ministry of John the Baptist!
true | crying | reed | John | Yahshua
true | crying | reed | John | Yahshua