On todays episode we talk about this weekends actions of Israel attacking Syria with nightime airstrikes and Syria vowing it will retaliate and says, this act is a DECLARATION OF WAR! Could this be the "fuse" that ignites the BOMBS OF ARMAGEDDON? Could this be the ARAB SPRING DOMINO EFFECT that causes the fulfillment of Luke 21:20? Could the upcoming GMJ of 2013, the Islamic event called GLOBAL MARCH TO JERUSALEM on June 7th, 2013, be the potential event that will compass or surround Jerusalem? Could we be right on the verge of the STARTING OF ARMAGEDDON?.. We talk about all this and more, on todays episode of Understanding the Final Endtimes, with your host, Steve Siler, the Singing Bible Scribe... Join us today and STAY INFORMED ABOUT THE LATEST BIBLICAL FULFILLMENTS OF OUR TIMES!! Like the song says, "Im gettin ready to leave this world,..." Lets all get ready and stay ready to meet our Maker, cause He is coming Soon!...What a time to be alive, Friends! Alive to witness the return of Christ!..Amazing!
Syria Civil War | Israel Attacks Syria | Syria Declaration of War | Arab Spring of 2013 | Global March to Jerusalem 2013
Syria Civil War | Israel Attacks Syria | Syria Declaration of War | Arab Spring of 2013 | Global March to Jerusalem 2013