Amy Meyer became the first American charged with violating a states "Ag Gag" law that prevents the filming of the abuse of animals at slaughter plants. Amy describes the shocking story about what happened that day and the truth about animal agriculture and an industry that insists on hiding the way they treat the animals you eat. Andrew Kirschner, Ed.D., writes a blog, Kirschner's Korner, and hosts a radio show, Kirschner's Korner Radio, to help raise awareness about issues affecting the global community to make the world a more humane place. In order to receive Dr. Kirschner's articles via email, enter your email address in the “Follow Blog Via Email” link at the top right of the blog.
Amy Meyer | Ag Gag Laws | Undercover Videos | Factory Farms | Cruelty to Animals
Amy Meyer | Ag Gag Laws | Undercover Videos | Factory Farms | Cruelty to Animals