Why are there SO many rules when it comes to S E X? What happened to being a lady in the streets and a freak in the streets? Why when some men and women get married, the bedroom skills change? Why is the Bible brought up so much in the bedroom? WHY? WHY? WHY? So many questions, not enough answers! If youre going into the bedroom with reservations, how about you just stay out of the bedroom?! NO PRUDES ALLOWED! If youre going to do IT, do IT RIGHT! Bombshell EVE will be joining us tonight! If you had any hangups before, you shouldnt after tonights show :) Check her out at: http://www.whoisbombshelleve.com/ Twitter: @bombshellbella Instagram: whoisbombshelleve
After Hourz | Conservative | Sex | Bombshell EVE | Prudes
After Hourz | Conservative | Sex | Bombshell EVE | Prudes