Last week the system went down! The song we played says it all for those that have ears to hear! The Sanctuary of Nolensville just hosted the Soul Winners Boot Camp! Now on the surface you might think this is another one of those events that has a fancy name, that it was just another service with a guest speaker. WRONG! We wittnessed with our eyes, heard with our ears, and experianced in our spirit something life changing. You may say these are some great adjectives, and I have heard this all before. Well, let me give you a promise right now. If you take the time to go to one of Matt Maddix Soul Winners Boot Camps, I dont care what denominational church you go to, or if you dont even belive in God, you dont even have to step foot inside of the church. Take the time to go to the block party that will be held. When they start calling for the children to come up front to get the prizes that they give away, get to where you can watch these children. When you see the power of God falling on these children who have no personal knowledge of God, and have nothing in their mind to tell them how they are expected to act when Gods spirit fills them. You will wittness day of pentecost! Unless you are blind you cant deny what you are seeing. This will touch your heart and open your mind. In many of the churches today we have forgot what the word ministry really means. As wild Bill said last week we are not possessing the promised land!
faith | holy ghost | family | Jesus | ministry
faith | holy ghost | family | Jesus | ministry