Join guest expert Rashida KhanBey as she delves into the topic of "Bringing God Into Our Intimate Relationships." Rashida is a love and intimacy coach, speaker and writer who guides women to embrace their sensuality so they may show up as sexy, audacious and joyful in their relationships. Through the use of dance, she helps merge the spiritual and sensual natures to help women find their true power. She will enlighten us on key points such as: -Why self-indulgence is absolutely necessary in order for every relationship to thrive -Connecting back to a sense of goodness and ease in the body before entering the space of the relationship - How being a sensually alive woman allows you to develop a deeply satisfying intimate relationship with God and your partner Listeners will be able to join her online coaching group for a special discount! Join her on Facebook for more inspiration:
Rashida KhanBey | awaken sensuality | Course in Miracles | God in intimate relationships | sensual dance
Rashida KhanBey | awaken sensuality | Course in Miracles | God in intimate relationships | sensual dance