Pre-recorded 6/9/2012 Bennie "Blue Thunder" LeBeau (website) Greetings my Fellow Relative's & Friend's within all Nation's and cultures; this message is about healing Mother Earth in an Eagle & Condor gathering online, fulfilling prophecy in ceremony, as we move through 2012. As an environmentalist as a Native American, the work that is being represented is about healing the elements within the Earth, Wind, Fire and Water elements. All matter upon Mother Earth is created from these elements: Our houses, clothes', foods, cars, phone, computers everything. We are all related to all that is in creation upon Mother Earth is created from these elements right down to our beings as human beings. The Earth Wisdom Foundation Network has been working on bring about many miracles that the scientific communities worldwide are aware of in our work. The new earth is preparing for a new birth of the new world is in her birthing pains called disaster's are the shifts in Mother Nature as she prepares to birth the new world as we move towards the date of December 21st, 2012. The Native American Perspective about nature's laws teaches wisdom and knowledge of how peace works in those laws'. Healing droughts, high winds, floods, volcanoes and other related electrical magnetic disturbances in the energy force fields that are out of balance due to humanities action within Mother Nature.
bennie lebeau | blue thunder | eastern shoshone | prophecy | last days
bennie lebeau | blue thunder | eastern shoshone | prophecy | last days