As a veteran executive with more than 25 years under his belt, Todd founded the company RT Millar Holdings that focuses on executive coaching. As a lifelong learner, Todd brings best practices in leadership to clients so they can enhance their leadership skills and accelerate faster.Todd was involved with on of the most successful private equity transactions in the history of Bain Capital. He was instrumental in the acquisition of the Canadian Yellow Pages for $1.9 billion and in less than a year the assets were sold for $2.6 billion. This is an incredible accomplishment that is a direct testament to assembling the right team, providing inspirational leadership and creating a rewarding environment. Join our host Phoenix as he talks to Todd Millar about his climb to success, about coaching and about his books Boardroom to Base Camp, and MORON: behind the scenes story of minor hockey. For more on Todd Millar, please visit his website at and follow his BlogTalkRadio Show "Leadership From The Top".
Todd Millar | Leadership | Coaching | Speaking | Boardroom To Base Camp
Todd Millar | Leadership | Coaching | Speaking | Boardroom To Base Camp