Were about a month into Real World Portland and the shows getting better and better as the weeks go by. Fresh off my interview with Johnny with Susie I will be doing another interview with another alumni/former guest co-host to help me out. My co-host will be another "Where are they Now" guest who was on the Real World Hawii of course Im talking about Ruthie Alcaide @RuthieAlcaide on twitter. How has the show changed from her season up untill now. And I will also be joined by the newest roomate in the house none other then Nia Moore @TheRealNiaMoore. How was it coming into the expierence a month into it. Who did she gel with right away, and who was she trying to hook up with the whole time out of the boys. all that and more. Follow me on twitter @CSUAKirk and subscribe to the podcast on Itunes. Also dont be afraid to call into the show 9492705945 .
MTV | Real World | Portland | Nia Moore Ruthie Alcaide | Andrew Kirk
MTV | Real World | Portland | Nia Moore Ruthie Alcaide | Andrew Kirk