Kenneth Howard Smiths - VINYL KNIGHTS - Chapter One I'D RATHER GO BLIND If I have any musical blood at all in my body, I have to blame it on my mother. Rillie Louise Sellers-Smith started the whole thing. She is the one that carried me in her wound while she played and sing at church and those social functions. Yes, the music is in me. I clearly remember at the age of five years old, playing with my parent's record collection. Those old 78RPM records, very heavy, non-breakable, scratch resisted, and the Columbia Records label all over them. I liked those heavy vinyl disks that played at an incredible high speed, as I watched the off-centered label spin madly from its apex and to its apogee, and back again. From right then and there, I wanted to make one of those things. That larger then life black and round thing, with all those circles on it, that mysteriously makes music and sounds. As a young musician, or a "wantabe" musician, I have always dreamed and prayed that someday that I could get a chance to record just one 45-RPM single record. Believe it or not that was my only pray. I was just a pup when I prayed that pray. Boy was I crazy or what?
Rillie Louise Gilchrist | Billy Foster | Etta James | Lynn Henson | Howard Siegel
Rillie Louise Gilchrist | Billy Foster | Etta James | Lynn Henson | Howard Siegel