Are you dealing with grief? Join Grief Recovery Specialist Audrey Pellicano R.N., on Giving Grief a Voice for Poor Widow You is ready for some grief relief! Poor Widow You can use a good laugh! And thats just what Carol Scibelli gives us. Carol Scibelli is an award-winning comedy writer and author who understands how devastating it is to suffer the loss of a husband. After Jimmy, her high school sweetheart and husband of 33 years died in April 2006 she began a blog to write about her life as a widow. POOR WIDOW ME became so popular that she was encouraged to write it as a book. Here are some reviews of Carol Scibellis book, Poor WIdow Me. "Brilliant concept and terrific writing. Divorces people will relate to Poor Wiodw Me too, and I can already see it as a movi e or TV series". --Penny Marshal, Actress, Director, Producer "Poor WIdow Me manages to console and encourage with just the right touch of jumor that comes from the hear and tickles the soul" ---Sally Jessy Raphael "Youll laugh and youll cry and youll feel comforted by Carols words and support. Her messages are inspiring." -Dr. Judy Kuriansky, clinical psychologist, TV and radio personality Join me and my guest Carol Scibelli for a warm hearted and inspirational, sometimes funny look at widowhood.
Audrey Pellicano | Carol Scibelli | widow | dealing with grief | loss
Audrey Pellicano | Carol Scibelli | widow | dealing with grief | loss