Its really easy to get a book published today. Heck, you can probably run it off at Staples! :) But whats going to get it noticed above the competition? Whats going to make YOU seem like the expert in your field? That takes promotion on TV, radio, public speaking, social media and/or other outlets. Odds are you cant (and really shouldnt) do it yourself. So what do you need? How do you find the right help? Those are the sort of questions Jeanne Murphy of Jeanne Murphy Public Relations discusses on the 10/18/12 Piggy Bank Promotions, with Wendy Meyeroff. Based in NJ, Jeanne heads a global public relations company that promotes authors, celebrities, businesses and Talented People(TM). So if youve already got that book in hand, or are thinking of writing one...come listen in!
Wendy Meyeroff | book promotion | marketing | Piggy Bank Promotions | Jeanne Murphy
Wendy Meyeroff | book promotion | marketing | Piggy Bank Promotions | Jeanne Murphy