Topics: Perverted Controlling Love, Under Cover Boss Buys Off Employees, Raising Kids Thru Strength, NASCAR Bully/Girl Tony Stewart, Cliques Enable Bad Habits, Depressed Travelers. Listen to the track record of shows and enjoy. Judge Wyld, host of the The Judge Wyld Show on KAVD 103.1 FM is now on BTR. Judge Wyld rants on the many subjects that make your life shallow and stressful. Call in and clash ideas with Judge on Politics, Holidays, Relationships, Parenting, Spirituality, Life, Death, Health, Working, Job, Career, Music, Movies, Law and more! Judge Wyld reserves the right to be judgmental ABOUT YOU. Guaranteed that you are judging Judge Wyld right now!
Politics | Parenting | Dating | Stress | Marriage
Politics | Parenting | Dating | Stress | Marriage