Living Aligned Presents: [ THE ANCIENT YOUTH: Ancestors Have Arrived ] JOIN US for PART 2 of last Mondays topic:"Spiritual Self Defense": WWIII Exposed!!!!" Your friendly Globalhood Shaman & Computer Scientist, Stilts "Shaman Hands" Goldman, and Elder Starseed, Moma Bonfire Az BROUGHT IT last week!!! Tonight, we turnin up the heat AGAIN!!! With SOLUTIONS!!! How is Nature SPEAKING to us? Have we just forgotten HOW to listen? Are there OTHER subtle frequencies IN THE WAY??? If so, WHAT ARE THEY, and HOW do we TAKE OUR POWER BACK? If you havent heard PART 1 yet, get caught up right here, RIGHT NOW!!! LIVING ALIGNED CONFERENCE JUNE 7TH- JUNE 9TH, 2013 ATLANTA, GA For more info:
The Ancient Youth | Living Aligned | Stilts Shaman Hands | Moma Bonfire AZ | Living Aligned Radio
The Ancient Youth | Living Aligned | Stilts Shaman Hands | Moma Bonfire AZ | Living Aligned Radio