Welcome to this spesial Saturday show on BlogTalk Radio, where your host, Birthe Romerheim is from Norway . She is working as a Theraphist at here spiritual centre, Alternative Unit Theraphist centre, as a Medium, Life Coach,regresjon theraphist, and a Healer . She will in tonights show give free readings , conect with our love ones in spirit world.. those who is living inn another dimensjon, but still are around us, helping us and protecting us. Call in for a free reading with here or here spesial guest . She will tonight introduse you all to here wonderful friend International Psychic Surgery Gary Mannion. Gary Mannion is Britains most established psychic surgeon. He has centres all over the UK, and has worked in various countries across the World, covering various continents, with more countries planned for the coming year. Gary has been featured on TV, including a documentary produced on his work by the BBC as well as various magazine and radio interviews. Tonight you can listening to his story , and cal in for free , for questions, or a reading, mybe you want to ask him if he can help you, with your health problems. He is visiting our centre , Alternative Unit centre, here in Norway right now, and he also have private consultations , so feel free to book , if you live in Norway , near Bergen.
Medium | Free readings in Norwegian and in English | Guest | Psychic Surgery | Norwegian Host
Medium | Free readings in Norwegian and in English | Guest | Psychic Surgery | Norwegian Host