Alternative Mommy is a resource where parents/caregivers can go for the NATURAL side of everyday issues. Our radio show will air bi~weekly , Fridays @ 8pm Est On Global FACT Radio I am a stay at home mom of 3 amazing children and I have recently over the last few years have become AWAKENED to some of the scary and horrifying things that are going on in the world, most of them plainly in front of our faces. GMO foods, deadly VACCINES, FLUORIDE in our water,over prescribing doctors, POPULATION CONTROL, Government CORRUPTION and last but certainly not least what I like to call the BIG BOX BULLIES of a parents life such as C.A.S, the HEALTH UNIT, SCHOOLS & SCHOOL BOARD. I will be having regular guests on the radio show to talk about these topics that are so very important to us all. Alternativ
Global FACT Radio | Alternative Mommy | Choices | Wellness | call in
Global FACT Radio | Alternative Mommy | Choices | Wellness | call in