Yeah Yeah YeahOn this weeks episode of Liberal Dan Radio, the discussion continues about the Supreme Court hearings over gay marriage issues.In this episode I will discuss one of the items that was debated between the sides of the argument and the justices and that is if someone has standing to bring a case to court or to defend a ballot initiative for the state on an appeal. Is it smart for the anti-prop 8 people to argue that Mr. Cooper does not have standing? Should Mr. Cooper have standing? Are the rules of who can appeal a decision too strict? How does that apply to one of the local issues I have been dealing with.If time remains, I will discuss the remaining sound bites discussing the merits of the actual case.All that, plus headlines, words of redneck wisdom, and an update from Cool Mini Or Not. Thursday on Liberal Dan Radio: Talk from the left, thats right.If you want to discuss the topics of tonights show, please go to the discussion at
Gay Marriage | Equal Rights | Standing | SCOTUS | Redneck Wisdom
Gay Marriage | Equal Rights | Standing | SCOTUS | Redneck Wisdom