Linda Ballesteros, host of Power Talk, and Tony Gambone, host of Tough Talk, have combined their expertise to bring you Workshop Wednesdays . Linda Ballesteros has been facilitating workshops for more than a decade. She loves to share with others and offers workshops and webinars on a variety of business and personal development topics. Linda's style of presenting creates a casual atmosphere of learning without forcing material on an audience. You can tune in to Linda's other show, Power Talk, on Wednesday mornings at 9am (CST). Tony's acumen for developing ways to help others get what is needed in an easy and cost effective way is unprecedented. You can tune in to Tough Talk with Tony Gambone on Thursdays at 2pm (CST). Both Tony and Linda are always looking for ways to save the small business owner time and money while helping them build their business.
Tony Gambone | Linda Ballesteros | Small Business Owners | Networking | Authors and Speakers
Tony Gambone | Linda Ballesteros | Small Business Owners | Networking | Authors and Speakers