Relationships reveal the truth. Relationships expose our wounds, they show us our walls. Relationships are teachers. They teach us how to love; they show us our fears, our limits to forgiveness, intimacy, and trust. The patterns of romantic sabotage are those of protection. Our most basic human instinct is survival, and emotional pain is no different than physical pain. We are wired to resist and eventually destroy anything we perceive as a threat. Love or fear? We often claim that we desire love, and a relationship only to find a way “out” before love can reveal all of the possibilities. The only thing scarier than being alone is opening up to the possibility of rejection. The only thing worse than not being in love, is the fear of being hurt or abandoned by love. Many of our self-protective habits have been carefully constructed over years of life, but they all hold one thing in common; Fear. When fear is in the driver's seat we will continue to live our patterns that prove our beliefs right. We are worthy of love We are worthy of happiness, we deserve better. We deserve a life-time love with a partner who is our match in every way. On today's show, we will discuss a few of the roadblocks to authentic love. If you are ready for a shift in the romantic love department, LISTEN to this show! I am excited to hear your thoughts. Much Love and thank you for listening, Want MORE wisdom on love and relationships? CLICK here to visit our Inspired Truth blog: Shannon
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women | men | love | dating | marriage