Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving memory of former President & 5 STAR Army General Dwight David Eisenhower. Dwight aka Ike was A standout right from the start of his October 14, 1890 birth in Denison, Texas. Dwight worked his way up the ranks of The Army and is best remembered for his LEADING ROLE in WWII as the supreme commander. In 1951 Ike was asked by President Harry Truman to run for President as A Democrat. - It was at this time that Eisenhower voiced his disdain for the Democratic party, declared himself to be Republicans & then told The nation he was A candidate for President against the 4 other GOP candidates. The 2 term President best known for his final farwell address that WARN ALL Americans about the Military indstrial Complex & good night quote : "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. He has over 50 awards, decorations & medals. He was 78 & lays in Abilene, Kansas. * * * * * This week is being called GAY Mariage week as The United States Supreme Count is hearing daily arguments over several batles from Calf. Prop 8 & The llegal Defense of Marriage Act. But being over looked are MLSTONE Cases which tonight we SOLVE all on CPT. Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin is about affrimative Action A stand out scholar student turned away from BECAUSE SHE IS WHITE. Let us also NOT forget about Clapper v. Amnesty International USA. Oh YES what are the rights of The Federal Goverment when it comes to Surveillance? Oklahoma v. Barber asks does LIFE begin @ conception or NO? Plus The USA Supree Court wll here an International case on Human Rights. Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., Inc. YES this is true
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