This Blog Talk Radio show is dedicated to BC politics. The theme of the show is, Have Your Say, and will run from January 30th through to, during and following the up-coming BC provincial election in May. The show offers BC citizens an opportunity to speak their minds, and talk about the issues concerning them, no matter what their political affiliation, or lack thereof. Listeners can tune in by clicking the link displayed above, at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. Callers can call in using the Toll Free number. You can also email your questions and comments to the show: . Your email may be read on air during the show. The show's host is Sal Vetro, leader of the BC First Party. Vetro feels that the people are not being listened to – in any way, shape or form, by other parties – and decided to change that by giving the people a voice – a place to be heard and listened to, where they can talk about the very issues that affect all families, right across British Columbia. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL GUEST Former Premier Bill Vander Zalm and Fight HST Leader
BC Politics | Election BC | When is the provincial election | Smart Meters | BC Hydro
BC Politics | Election BC | When is the provincial election | Smart Meters | BC Hydro