March 26: Author Annie Kagan shares the extraordinary story of her after death communications (ADC) and "shared death" experience with her brother Billy, who began speaking to her just weeks after his unexpected death. One of the most detailed and profound ADC's ever recorded, Kagan's book takes the reader beyond the near-death experience. Billy's vivid, real-time account of his on-going journey through the mysteries of death is filled with transcendent wisdom, irreverent humor and hope. Visit our full website for a wealth of information Become a friend of the show on FB Spirit Seeker Network Or get updates on Twitter Listen LIVE and Ask Questions: Call in 347-884-9914 from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm CST
Cynde Meyer | Spirit Seeker Magazine | Author Annie Kagan | ADC After Death Communication | Feng Shui
Cynde Meyer | Spirit Seeker Magazine | Author Annie Kagan | ADC After Death Communication | Feng Shui