Willpower is the motivation to exercise will such as the ability to control ones emotions, behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward, or avoid some punishment. Presumably, some (smaller) reward or punishment is operating in the short term which precludes, or reduces, the later reward or punishment. In psychology it is sometimes called self-regulation. Exerting willpower or self-control through the executive functions relies on one's ability to motivate oneself in spite of a negative emotional state. Dr. Emile Coue the father of Autosuggestion stated a great truth when he said that imagination is superior to the will. Will is an assumption, pure and simple. We do not will to live; we live because we have life and cannot help living. The use of the will could not make us anything that we are not. It has often been said that we can be whatever we desire to be. Not so. We can be what we have be designed to be. "Abundant by Nature" will take you behind the curtain of the teachings of Jesus. You will discover principles that will empower you to attract the life you have always desired. This weeks topic is “The Dynamic Power of Your Will.” Your life will never be the same again. I guarantee it!
Law of Attraction | Abundance | Successful Living | Right Thinking | Spirituality
Law of Attraction | Abundance | Successful Living | Right Thinking | Spirituality