Acts 4 You know these are crazy times we live in. No one can deny that and those of us who follow the signs of the times like Jesus told us to do know these are truly the end times. So let me ask you: Are you a bold believer or a cowardly Christian? And honestly, does cowardness have any place at all in the life of a true believer? Do you even know how to express a true boldness in The FAITH and contend earnestly for it? Maybe you know someone that needs to hear the gospel but you're holding back out of fear of what they may say or think. You know the early church had no room for cowards and it was their BOLDNESS that quickly and strongly grew the church. And the same applies today in these end times. So if you were arrested for being a Christian and trust me those days are right around the corner if Jesus tarries, would there even be enough evidence to convict you? Do your neighbors even know that you're a Christian? Or are you one of those Christians who's afraid to say grace in public or even be seen in public with a Bible? So are you a bold believer or a cowardly Christian? Do you want to be a bold believer? If so, stay tuned to learn what "boldness" truly is and how to have it by keeping company with God the Son, having confidence in God the Father and receiving courage from God the Spirit. So were talking about a holy boldness here which is the courage to express God's Word, extend God's hand, and exalt God's Son; The King of kings and LORD of lords, The LORD Jesus Christ!
God the Father | God the Son | God the Spirit | Boldness | Repent
God the Father | God the Son | God the Spirit | Boldness | Repent