Host of H. Blus Word, Stacey Brewer , will discuss the topic: Tavis Smiley & Cornel West, Haters or Right to critcize President Obama? Professor, Dr. Cornel West, and TV personality,Tavis Smiley, have been particularly critical of President Obama because they feel he has not paid much attention to the poverty issue in America. Poverty affects 46 million Americans. Hispanics and blacks living in poverty remain disproportionate to their population. Some have called the criticisms of West and Smiley, hate or even jealousy, others applaud them. We will discuss both sides. Tune in tonight at 9pm.
Tavis Smiley and Cornel West | President Obama | Poverty | Race | Criticism
Tavis Smiley and Cornel West | President Obama | Poverty | Race | Criticism