Wellness is a hot topic on peoples minds. Learning to eat better, exercise more and taking better care of ourselves are things people talk about, but few make more than a half-hearted attempt. What if you had someone to who would put some structure to it with benchmarks and milestones? Naturally you have a much better chance of success right?! Wellness Coach Jamee Tuttle of Thriving Life Now! joins us to share how she works with her clients to coach them to make healthy wellness coaches and learn how to thrive! We welcome our listeners to call in for helpful suggestions from Jamee. Please join us! About Jamee: Jamee Tuttle is a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach (CHHC) and the founder of Thriving Life Now! She has a background in marketing/public relations, is a certified Peak Pilates Instructor and a graduate of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), Board Certified by the AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners), with an additional certificate from Purchase College, SUNY (State University of New York). For over 7 years she suffered from the frustrating and overwhelming effects of hypothyroidism and anxiety, until finally healing herself through dietary and lifestyle changes along with eastern healing modalities, which resulted in her ability to go off her prescription medications. She currently works with clients to empower, support and coach them to reach their wellness goals and increase their knowledge of health and healing. She offers individual coaching sessions, group sessions, workshops and classes. To learn more about Jamee, please contact: email: Jamee@thrivinglifenow.com web: www.thrivinglifenow.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Thrivinglifenow
Jamee Phifer Tuttle | Thriving Life Now | Wellness Coach | Holistic Care | Integrative Nutrition
Jamee Phifer Tuttle | Thriving Life Now | Wellness Coach | Holistic Care | Integrative Nutrition