For as long as I can remember I was made to believe that men, that is REAL MEN didnt have the luxury of Exhibiting their emotions in public….. They are taught to internalize their feelings and deal with them “like men”. It is a myth that crosses many cultural biases, from the western world to the deserts of Africa. This teaching has been adhered to for centuries and its effect has been nothing short of destructive and quite sad. As we seek to change this concept, it is important for me to mention that we have to make a conscious decision to abandon this sexist good for nothing culture amongst others, and do what's right by our children by protecting and shielding them from cultures that do not cater for the male child's psychological, and social needs. With that said, I must say that I believe, It is okay for men to cry, it is important for us to know that the male child needs to be protected from sexual pedophiles just as much as the female child. It is vital to realize that the male child is in need of affection and attention just as much as the female child. It is ok to train them to be self-sufficient, teach them how to cook, clean, do laundry etc, just as we would with a female child, finally it is so vital for us to know that, the male child placed into your care by God, is destined to be someone's brother, father, teacher, and husband. In all we do, let us note that the future is dependent on our NOW choices.
male | child | father | brother | husband
male | child | father | brother | husband