The vows "til death do we part" keeps some people tied to a spouse that they no longer love, spending years in a miserable, abusive relationship rather than suffer the pain of divorce. But what are the emotional consequenses of staying in an abusive marriage and having a secret lover on the side? Popular St. Louis radio host Talibdin El-Amin, author of "Mia Farone: Lost and Turned Out" and "Shadows of a Grave" discusses his novels that explore the escapades of a woman torn between loyalty to an abusive husband and her love for another man. His books give insight into the dynamics of a dysfunctional marriage, in which couples stay together for the wrong reasons and have a misguided notion of loyalty and honor. Is it more honorable to stay married in order to keep from hurting your spouse - and simply have an affair outside the marriage? Or are you merely hurting yourself, your spouse and your secret lover by being too cowardly to face the anger of a jilted spouse? Many find themselves in this awkward predicament, stuck in a state of indecision, unable to figure out what is truly the right thing to do. What do you think?
Talibdin El-Amin | Shadows of a Grave | Infidelity | Mia Farone Lost and Turned Out | Divorce
Talibdin El-Amin | Shadows of a Grave | Infidelity | Mia Farone Lost and Turned Out | Divorce