Charlie In The Box! Fridays *9:00pm/Est *8:00pm/Ct *7:00pm/Mt *6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: Thomas Jefferson “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; When the government fears the people, there is liberty”. George Washington, Thomas Paine, John Adams and many others had it right. On this episode of Charlie in the Box I will do my best to explain these quotes and others, what they mean to me and what I feel they should mean to you, the listener. So get your paper and pen and let's get to work and take back are families, communities, then county. Giving my perspective to the American public about everything, including government and things that we all deal with in our everyday life. We all could feel it in our guts that there's something wrong. You can feel it in your heart when your kids ask you, “Is everything going to be alright?” and you don't have that answer for them. So if you would like to start looking at things differently, maybe in a different perspective…please tune in week after week for this adventure that we will be going on., and I promise you at the end,. Things will start looking a lot more differently. Tags: Charlie In The Box, Politics,newbies, Prepper Broadcasting
Charlie In The Box | Prepper Broadcasting Network | American Preppers Network | Newbies | Prepare
Charlie In The Box | Prepper Broadcasting Network | American Preppers Network | Newbies | Prepare