Greg Laurie discussing Bible Prophecy, God, famiily, marriage, and so many other things important to all of us! Greg will teach you amazing things about God and how you can have a relationship with him anytime! Its not about going to church, its about having a personal relationship with God, your creator! Join Ken Graves after Greg for his wonderful program, "Gods Sword" Ken will give you a brand new perspective on God and his word - the Bible! Youll understand Gods word more than you ever have! Nsearch Radio Broadcasts 7 Days a Week from 8 PM (EST) to 12:00 AM (EST) and can be heard through the Nsearch Radio player on the right side of the page at anytime or through Itunes by searching the Podcasts for "Nsearch Radio". You can Listen to our show by phone also. Call 858-683-1309 and listen by phone and Press the "1" key if you want to talk to the host during the live broadcasts. To support our ministry please consider a purchase at and sharing our videos at and the articles on our website at Thank you!
Inspiration | Bible Prophecy | God | Jesus Christ | Family
Inspiration | Bible Prophecy | God | Jesus Christ | Family